Time: about 5 pm
Location: in the kitchen
Caseworker called today. She was asking about a placement. I've been praying about another one for a few weeks now. Not sure what God's plan is. I know this is in His plan. I know I heard Him right. I do have my doubts sometimes. Then the caseworker calls and reminds me that there are still children who need homes. Mrs. Case Worker asked if I would be willing to take a newborn. I'm shocked, but say yes. Didn't think, didn't pray. I have been through this before. She asks, then says we didn't get picked. After double checking that we are ok with other races I corrected her. "No purple ones." I tell her jokingly. Most of the case workers still don't get my warped sense of humor. That's ok. It's the way God made me.
I hang up the phone and finish making dinner.
Day: Tuesday
Time: 5:20
Location: in the kitchen
While cleaning up my mess from cooking (kids are eating at the breakfast bar) I notice the caller id says the Mrs. Case worker is calling again. My first though "what's wrong?" Mrs. Case worker informs me that we will have a stork delivery tomorrow. 2 pm.
We were picked?
No way!
I call hubby. He is off the wall excited. He loves babies.
Oh no. I don't have any baby stuff. Diapers. Car seat. Bottles. I have wipes (great in the truck - even with big kids). As soon as the kids are done eating we rush off.
Once at Target we go for the necessities. I will find a resale shop in the morning for clothes and blankets. Carseat, 2 packs of diapers (size 1 and 2 - I have no idea how big this baby is), 1 jumbo box of wipes, and 3 bottles later, we leave.
While I was shopping, hubby on was the phone with everyone he knew asking for a crib, porta crib, stroller..... We had friends and family stopping by all night with things they had been wanting to get rid of for a while - they just hadn't done it 'for some reason.'
Day: Wednesday
Time: 9 am
Location: Babies R us, Goodwill, horseback riding lesson
We left early to make a quick trip to Babies R Us. If there is anything we need (or don't need), I will find it here. I mostly wanted ideas on what I may need Its been a long time since I had babies.
Well, big girls instructor had to cancel - last minute - due to an emergency dentist appointment. On the way to the lesson I was scoping out the local resale shops. No lesson means an extra hour to shop. I don't know what this baby has, but he will need clothes, socks, and I found a sling. I always wanted one with my big kids.
Day: Wednesday
Time: 1 pm
Location: Home
With only an hour before cps (the stork) is due to arrive, I feed the big kids and make sure everything is clean.
Time: 2 pm
Location: Home
My Arrow worker shows up. Yea. Let's do this! While waiting for the baby I sign paperwork. Then I finish washing the baby clothes - it has been almost an hour and still no baby :( Hubby is driving me crazy with text messages. While waiting, I find out that this baby is coming straight from the hospital, but may be 3 months old. Oh no. I hope these new clothes fit!
Then we find out that the hospital needs to run yet another test before releasing the baby It will be closer to 6pm before he arrives. Talk about labor pains!
Day: Wednesday
Time: 6:30 pm
Location: Home
Finally! Baby Boy is here! He is a doll! Turns out that each case worker was right. He is a 3 month old new born. Born incredibly premature, he is the size of a new born (still smaller than my oldest 2 when they were newborns!). We got all the cps paperwork finished and the worker left me with the smallest most adorable baby boy (my big boy was chunky and adorable). By the time the case worker left we had 2 sets of neighbors and hubby's aunt and uncle over. It's a regular homecoming :0) It's been so long since I had a newborn (10 years), this is going to be fun!
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