I have seen a lot of people in blogs talk about control journals and keeping up with important documents in case of an emergency. I do this for my kids, but until today didn't think I would need to for my mom and grandma. The info needed is so different.
In my grandmothers folder I have a list of hospitalizations, doctor appointments, meds that are currently prescribed, family history and such.
Mom's is similar. She has to do the dirty work and fill out everything. It's a one time thing (I hope!) and if anything ever happens to them, I will be prepared.
I know the doctors and hospitals can conjure up the information eventually - but what if......
So, as I was looking for what info was needed for these folders I came across these 2 websites.
I am sure that in a few months I will find out that something important is missing, but at least at the next appointment I will have more info than I do now.
- list of current meds
- photo copy of ssn
- photo copy of drivers license
- photo copy of insurance cards
- important phone numbers
- copy of living will or other similar papers
- copy of any records I can get from the doctor/hospitals
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