Back in July Hubby changed jobs. A job change means a loss of vaca days. No trip this year. Maybe a weekend, but def not a week long trip like we enjoy.
Ok. I can deal with that. I am a mom. I can go with the flow.
No weekend trip. Hubby will be on call. Ugh. I hate on call. I can remember several years when Hubby was on the fire dept and got a call out on Christmas, Christmas Eve, Thanksgiving, in the middle of the night....
Ok. No weekend trip.
Thanksgiving came and went. All of our shopping was done. Or so I thought.
No one was particularly excited about the change of plans this year. Nothing was going right. None of our usual December traditions were working out this year. Codie was supposed to go to a boy scout camp - out of state - for two weeks. That was cancelled. We were supposed to go out of state (our usual trip). We were spending more time at the house, or at grandmas house preparing for Christmas. Nothing felt right. I wasn't sure what was going on. Why was nothing working out the way it usually did. We hadn't even gone to look at Christmas light yet, and it was two days before Christmas.
God had a plan. He just hadn't told us yet.
December 23.
Christmas Eve Eve
3:56 pm
I get a call.
Yup. That call. The case worker had two boys who needed a home.
What?! I am getting ready to go to my moms. We go to my dads tomorrow and back to moms on Christmas day. You want to add in two more kids? Little kids! Under the age of 5. What?
Bring it
What do you say when you hear that two precious children are being taken away from everything they know - the day before Christmas Eve. A happy time of the year. A time spent with family and friends. How could I not say yes? My heart broke for these kids. I knew their story already. They had spent several months with another foster family that I know
After telling the case worker to bring the kids on over I quickly updated my big kids, called Hubby, called mom, then called my dad. "You will have extra kids this Christmas!" Yes dad, I am on drugs :)
My sweet big kids quickly helped me find whatever we could to wrap up for these children. They are young enough that brand new toys mean nothing to them, they will just want a present to unwrap. So, we went shopping in the playroom. With only a few hours until they arrive we found every age appropriate toy we could and wrapped it. Some for our house, some for grandmas, and some for at grandpas. We don't need to worry about brand new toys, everything in the house is going to be brand new.
Pull down the car seats - that have been in the attic 2 weeks - and start moving the classroom again. The kids are going to have to stay downstairs. They are too little to be playing upstairs alone, or walking up and down the stairs in the middle of the night. This is something we have been talking about since the summer, however once our children from the summer left, we lost motivation. Now we have it again.
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