Disclaimer: This is not my original post. This is re-posted from http://jimdaly.focusonthefamily.com/watch-exclusive-debut-of-newsboys-video-kicks-off-bring-your-bible-to-school-day/ in hopes to bring awareness to this fantastic event
National Bring Your Bible to School Day

Last year’s inaugural “Bring Your Bible to School Day” was
huge, and this year’s event on Oct. 8 promises to be even bigger.
Just like last year, all 50 states will be represented. But
where last year we had about 8,000 students participating, we’re expecting that
number to be exponentially higher for the 2015 event.
Think about what God can do through multiple thousands of
students, from kindergarten to college, bringing their Bibles to school as a
visual way to celebrate religious freedom and share God’s hope with friends!
Christian students face real challenges at school
While students have a right to bring their Bibles to school,
some feel pressured to hide their faith. It’s a “cultural censorship” imposed
by some public school teachers and administrators.
Other educators may not be aware that students have a
constitutionally protected right to bring their Bibles to school. For example,
14-year-old Brytney participated in last year’s inaugural event after reading
Focus’ materials explaining students’ rights.
When a teacher told her she wasn’t allowed to have her Bible at school, Brytney
shared some of Focus’ information with him and was allowed to keep her Bible
out. (WatchBrytney
tell her story.)
It’s because of Brytney, and so many other students like
her, that Focus on the Family sponsors “Bring Your Bible to School Day.” These
are kids who love Jesus and who have a real desire to live their faith
publicly. They wantto use their free time to read their Bibles and
to talk honestly with their friends. All we’re doing is giving them the
knowledge they need so they’re empowered to do so.
Influential support for “Bring Your Bible to School Day”
We’re excited that award-winning Christian band Newsboys is joining forces with Focus
to help raise awareness of “Bring Your Bible to School Day” and
religious-freedom issues this year. You’ll remember the band was featured in
last year’s hit movie “God’s Not Dead.” The sequel is coming out next year and
will deal directly with living out the Christian faith in public schools.
“Religious freedom is an issue that’s really close to our
hearts,” says Newsboys lead singer Michael Tait. “That’s why we’re supporting
the thousands of students participating in ‘Bring Your Bible to School Day.’”
Parents, pastors and church youth leaders: I hope you’ll let
the students in your life know about “Bring Your Bible to School Day” and
encourage them to pray through this opportunity. It’s an important event not
only because it gives Christian public school students a voice, but because
it’s a chance for them to share their faith with their friends.
Students: it doesn’t matter if you’re in kindergarten or in
college. If your heart is to live boldly for Christ, we’re here to help you and
support you. Our friends at Alliance
Defending Freedom, a Christian legal group and longtime advocate of
religious freedom in public schools, are also part of this important event.
They’ll give you free legal representation if your religious freedom is
Sign up today!
Students can register to
participate in “Bring Your Bible to School Day” online. Free, downloadable
guides for students and pastors/parents are also available online at www.focusonthefamily.com/bringyourbible.
Follow “Bring Your Bible to School Day” on Facebook and Twitter and find more
information at www.bringyourbible.org.
Please help us spread the word using our official hashtag, #BringYourBible.
Finally – please pray for all the students who will be
taking a loving and courageous stand for Christ on Thursday, Oct. 8. Pray God
will open the doors for them to have grace-filled conversations with their
friends, and that they will feel God’s peace as they live out their faith.
Disclaimer: This is not my original post. This is re-posted from http://jimdaly.focusonthefamily.com/watch-exclusive-debut-of-newsboys-video-kicks-off-bring-your-bible-to-school-day/ in hopes to bring awareness to this fantastic event
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