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Wednesday, May 28, 2014

DIY Chalkboard

While cleaning out my baking stuff, I found a couple of old cookie sheets that I usually don't bake much with.  IF they are used, they are covered with foil because of the amount of rust that is on them.  I had 2 options: throw them away, or find a use for them. 

It doesn't matter if you homeschool, public school, or go to private school - if you do math, you need lots of scratch paper.  We go through a lot of scratch paper with my youngest daughter , so I decided to turn the cookie sheets into tote-able sized chalk boards.

All you need is a cookie sheet (not silicone) and a can of chalk board spray paint.  I haven't tried the stuff in the quart size can just because spray paint is so much easier.

Keeping the can 8-10 inches away from the pan, lightly spray back and forth fully covering the pan.

 Using spray paint isn't rocket science. Just do it outside and protect the area under the pan.

Easy Schmeezy Peasy

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